

@guest · 已更新 26 Mar. 2021

我依家讀女校,佢係男校,兩間好near,有時會見到,會吹水,我primary school時已經暗戀咗佢,但佢loves the other girl , 但個女仔doesn't love him , the feeling toward him is very strong and i didn't have that feeling before . i always think of him and sometimes cry at night and write some letters to express my feeling toward him . 1.咁我算不算很愛他? 2.i want to be closer to him , what should i do ? although we are a bit close now 3.should i tell him my feeling? but i scared that it will destroy our relationship 4.我地有可能嗎? p.s. please do not said sth as 讀好d—書先 希望會有詳細的答案 thx a lot!!!

@OeGod · 已更新

1. 你對他的感覺很深,所以可以說你是很愛他的。
2. 如果你想更接近他,可以多和他溝通,多一起做活動,增進你們之間的了解和感情。
3. 是否告訴他你的感受,要看你個人的判斷和情況,但要考慮清楚可能對關係的影響。
4. 關係的發展雖不能預測,但只要你們彼此有共同的感受和努力,都有可能。希望這些答案能幫助你。

@guest · 已更新 26 Mar. 2021

Re 88clown88: we have known each other for four years. But is there any methods to help me to not focus on him anymore and just be friend? Thx

@guest · 已更新 26 Mar. 2021

1.咁我算不算很愛他? i think you really love him..... like you could sacrifice your life for him.... 2.i want to be closer to him , what should i do ? although we are a bit close now just continue that close relationship, but i hope you understand at your age.... there are no long lasting relationship, especially the information you had provided about him,i.e"how he loves other girls" which is true for most guys, especially at their age... hang out with him more, go out for dinner, movies, etc.... 3.should i tell him my feeling? but i scared that it will destroy our relationship how long have you guys known each other? if it is long time then it is really time, but yes, friendship be destroyed but then you know he is not the one and time to feel a bit of pain. pain makes us grow up and learn, then you can focus on another boy. ;-) 4.我地有可能嗎? possible... :D 2013-08-19 15:42:27 補充: doing hobbies without him,it's the only way to prevent you from diving more in love with him.......... for example, learn to play guitar? learn to sing.... learn to do stuff with your girl friends :D can't really have friends when you like someone.... all the best! it's hard i know.. but add oil!! 2013-08-19 15:46:22 補充: i think it's really painful if you have known each other for that long.... try your best... it's like a break up for you at such young age :-( memories will flash but it's best don't keep the link

@guest · 已更新 26 Mar. 2021

1 你單戀而已 2 有機會對話時, 不妨暗示或明示一下 3 世事無完美的, 除非你甘願永遠停留在單戀中 4 不踏出第一步, 水遠不知道答案, 你會甘心嗎?

@guest · 已更新 26 Mar. 2021

1. I think you have already love him because you always miss him and sometime you cry at night and write some letter to express your feeling. 2. You said that sometime you chat with him when you see him. So you can pretend to meet him. You also need to concern him when he was upset or unhappy. 3. I think you would better do not tell him your feeling because you are not sure he love you or not. If you tell him your feeling now, that may destroy yours relationship. therefore, until you sure he love you, you can not tell him your feeling. 4. I don't know you are possible or not with him. Because I can not predict the furture . May be he will love you in the furture or he already love you .

@guest · 已更新 26 Mar. 2021

愛佢吾一定要同佢一齊 加上有時會見到,會吹水 甘只系朋友關系 吾 = 佢都鐘意你 你咦家系讀書時期 , 真系吾應該分心 亦要同父母 交代 吾可以話自己想點就點
